Harold Camping is the 89-year-old founder of Family Radio, but he is also the man who prophesized that May 21 would be the exact date of the Rapture, or Judgment Day, based on clues he says are written throughout the Bible, and in a recent interview, he said still more about his confidence.
You've probably seen the signs and billboards stating May 21 will be the end of the world. Some of his follwers have become so convinced of the date, that they have spent all their savings. After all, they will have no more need for savings after May 21, will they?
In the interview, published in New York magazine, Harold Camping said he is absolutely 100 percent positive that May 21 will be Judgment Day. He said that there's nothing in the Bible that has ever been prophesized by God that has not happened. Thus, he's sure that May 21 will be the date, although he didn't give details as to what exact information in the bible gave him the date.
When asked about his earlier prediction, one which gave the year 1994 as an earlier Day of Reckoning, he said his information also gave him 2011 as a possibility. He said that he hadn't completed his study of the Bible at that time, and that is why, given the possibilities, that he wrote the book 1994?, including a question mark in the title to make sure it was clear that the date was in question. In the book, he said, he also indicated that 2011 was also a good possibility for the End of Days.
Parts of the world will have plenty of warning that the end is nigh. The reason is that, accoding to Harold Camping's prediction, when May 21 is reached, at "about" (his word) 6 p.m., there will be a huge earthquake "that?s going to make the last earthquake in Japan seem like nothing in comparison." Thus, other parts of the globe will see the end come as the clock ticks to 6 p.m. Assuming it happens first in the parts of the world that the sun rises first in, the rest of the world will see it coming.
Harold Camping is not the slightest bit worried that it won't happen. He's 100 percent certain, and when asked about any doubts, he says, "It?s going to happen. It?s going to happen. I don?t even think about those kind of issues. The Bible is not ? God is not playing games. I don?t even want to think about that question at all. It is going to happen."
As far as if he has begun thinking of possible responses to followers if the Rapture doesn't happen (and we note that should occur early Friday morning in the Pacific Time Zone in the U.S., if the first quakes don't occur), he said that he hasn't thought of that at all, because it's going to happen.
Of course, plenty of others have predicted dates for the end of the world. The last such to gain major publicity was the one supposedly prophesized by the Mayan Calendar. Ironically, that too is a 21: Dec. 21, 2012.
Image Source: Wikimedia
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